![]() You may have read in my last blog post that becoming a citizen scientist is one important way that you can help the Monarchs. There are many projects dedicated to monitoring Milkweed populations and they are in of need citizen scientists such as yourself! One way to becoming a citizen scientist is to participate in a Milkweed monitoring survey. This requires you to be able to identify the Milkweed in your area. Luckily, Milkweed is very easily identifiable by its flowers and fruits. With just a few simple hints, you will be able to find and confidently identify Milkweed. Even if you aren't positive on the species, many surveys are just looking for general Milkweed plant populations. The Patterns Method I highly recommend the "patterns method" of identifying plants that Thomas Elpel covers in his book Botany In a Day. It is a quick and fun way to learn how to identify hundreds of plants in a short amount of time. Botanists and taxonomists have created a filing system based on these patterns. Once you can identify these key similarities in a plant family, you are able to identify the species of the plant much faster. Image from Thomas J. Elpel's Botany in a Day For instance, plants in the milkweed family, Asclepiadaceae, (don't let the name intimidate you), secrete a milky sap (except for Butterfly Milkweed) and opposite or sometimes whorled leaves. There are 5 separate sepals (petal-like leaves) and 5 fused petals. The corona (circle of petals around the center of the flower) contains 5 hooded forms facing inwards. Inside the corona there are 5 stamens (male parts) fused to the ovary (female part). The pods are filled with many seeds with silky tufts. Flowers
Milky Sap
Butterfly Milkweed- Asclepias tuberosa![]() Stem: 20 to 60 cm tall. Flowers: bright orange-yellow, arranged in umbels. Leaves: alternate on the stem (not opposite each other), lance-shaped, 5 to 10 cm long, smooth on top and downy beneath. Habitat: limestone soils, open, rocky, dry sites. Does not tolerate shade. Unique feature: no milky sap. Butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa). Photo by Larry Stritch. Swamp Milkweed- Asclepias incarnata![]() Stem: Downy (hairy), from 60 to 200 cm tall. Umbels: Red or purplish-pink. Leaves: Narrow, tapered, 4 to 17 cm long, arranged in opposite pairs. Fruits: Long, narrow and smooth follicles, changing colour from green to brownish. Habitat: Wetlands. Also found in swamps, ditches and near streams, rivers and lakes. Population: Often scattered – does not form dense colonies. Swamp milkweed Photo courtesy of Jennifer Anderson, USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database. Common Milkweed- Asclepias syriaca![]() Stem: downy, usually single, 90 to 120 cm tall. Underground stems. Leaves: broad and thick, 10 to 20 cm long, arranged in opposite pairs on the stem and with pubescent undersides. Flowers: pale pink or violet, arranged in almost spherical umbels. Fruits: large spindle-shaped fruit, bumpy, rough and downy. Habitat: poor, dry soil, disturbed, sunny sites. Whole plant with flowers. Photo by David Taylor. Showy Milkweed- Asclepias speciosa![]() Stem: 45 to 200 cm tall, velvety or pubescent (hairy). Flowers: Pale pink, arranged in umbels. The corona hoods are long (9 to 13 mm) and lance-shaped, making the flowers look like stars. Leaves: Opposite, 10 to 25 cm long, smooth or slightly downy. Habitat: Well-drained soil, sunny sites, pastures, forest edges,untilled fields, roadsides, ditches. Showy milkweed (A. speciosa). Photo: Sarina Jepsen/Xerces Society Resources
Elpel,Thomas-Botany in a Day http://www.wildflowers-and weeds.com/Plant_Identification/Patterns_in_Plants.htm Mission Monarch- Milkweed sheet Monarch Mission. http://www.mission-monarch.org/wpcontent/uploads/2017/07/FICHES_ASCLE%CC%81PIADE_ANG_FINAL.pdf Thomas G. Barnes, hosted by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Barnes, T.G., and S.W. Francis. 2004. Wildflowers and ferns of Kentucky. University Press of Kentucky. USDA Forest Service. Plant of the Week. https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/asclepias_syriaca.shtml
8/3/2018 06:51:20 pm
Thank you so much for posting this. It’s been so hard to find a good source with clear picture of all the different types of milkweed.
Rebecca Chandler
4/16/2019 12:08:54 pm
I'm so glad it was helpful!!
9/11/2020 03:00:08 pm
What is the best milkweed to plant for monarchs
Edith Fugate
1/31/2021 08:43:20 pm
where can i get these ? 11/17/2024 08:19:28 am
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Laura Riester
8/19/2018 08:49:35 am
Aaaahhhhhh - finally some excellent photographs to describe the milkweeds! Thank You.
Rebecca Chandler
4/16/2019 12:09:24 pm
Thank you for reading! :)
9/20/2018 11:13:48 am
So, I planted milkweed from seed ( roadside pods) that do secrete the milky substance when injured. Will this variety attract and feed Monarch larva ?
1/22/2019 05:39:43 pm
Yes, they will attract monarchs.
Jo Nichols
11/5/2018 06:42:39 pm
Is it “ok” for me to grow milkweed from Minnesota seeds, where I live in California (Sunnyvale)? When I was north of Minneapolis just this past August, my friend gave me a bunch of her milkweed seeds. The pods were large and the leaves roundish. I’ve never seen milkweed like those around here. I have slender-leafed, yellow-orange/red flowers; I don’t know species—I bought the plant locally; it may be non-native; it grows back when I cut it back.
Rebecca Chandler
4/16/2019 12:15:07 pm
Hi Jo,
11/30/2018 11:23:56 pm
Thank you so much for this. I was looking to help two fellers with there shine and they asked me to look in the surrounding area so now I can get them but I got distracted by a 3 star deer and I’m sure I can get a perfect pelt from it.
Arthur Hamilton
4/15/2019 08:42:05 pm
Love sharpness of the photos- Thanks
Rebecca Chandler
4/16/2019 12:15:40 pm
Thank you for reading!
5/6/2019 06:54:57 am
I found a monarch butterfly in my backyard. It has an injured wing. I tried to create a habitat for it. Can it eat sugar water on a cotton ball? If not what do I feed it? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
5/7/2019 05:45:34 pm
it eats pollen from flowers and sugar water will help there are videos on fixing wings thank you
Amy Khantzis
5/1/2024 06:25:40 pm
Same,injured bent wing, how to feed? How can I help this beautiful creature? Live in Indio,California.bought the red and yellow milkweed.Is that ok? It can’t fly
5/6/2019 03:22:22 pm
Great job, but how about expanding on this to include all the native milkweed species?
Rebecca Chandler
4/4/2020 09:17:23 am
Great idea! I will work on that :)
Loren Carle
5/30/2020 08:47:01 pm
Agreed! I was hoping both to find the Mexican Whorled, and other species appropriate to Utah (Salt Lake City - desert valley floor—very alkaline, clay-rich soil—ancient lake-bottom). I am also looking for ways of recognising the young plants, so I don’t weed them with the dandelions. Trying to move the neglected lawn gently towards healthy native meadow, a few dandelions and foxtails at a time.
Barbara Walker
6/5/2019 05:21:00 am
I found what looks like milkweed in a field. The leaves secrete milk but the stems are reddish; the ones in my garden have green stems so I'm wondering if this is actually milkweed or a pretender? The field plants have early white flowers, whereas my 2-year old garden plants have never flowered. Thank you.
6/19/2019 09:35:06 am
I have the same situation. The flowers are not what I would call in an umbel shape and they are very small (about 1/8 inch across).
Russell Reeves
6/25/2019 01:12:32 pm
Dogbane maybe. Do a search on Google and compare the images to what you have. Dogbane is poisonous so I ripped mine out.
J. ODell
6/15/2024 05:54:06 am
Probably Dog Bane, don’t know without visual, Google is your friend.
Great post... I haven't done the rip the leaf test yet but just looking at the photos here, pretty sure that's what I have.
6/26/2019 12:13:07 pm
So, the milkweeds with the milky sap ARE the ones that the Monarchs eat. The only milkweed plant that doesn't exude the latex is Butterfly Milkweed and the Monarchs will still feed on this type. Although Monarchs have preferences of some varieties over others, Monarchs will feed on most species of milkweed. The ones they especially seem to like are the four mentioned on this page along with Tropical Milkweed and Red Milkweed. Be careful when doing the leaf tear test because the latex can be an irritant to skin and especially eyes. Thanks for your question!
Hey thanks for the reply. I've been doing some more homework on this, perhaps something that should be added here?
Roni Smith
6/26/2019 06:06:41 am
Which of milkweed types does the Monarch like?
4/4/2020 09:19:38 am
Hi Roni,
Eric Claeyborn
12/12/2021 01:44:56 am
There are a couple of bad milkweed plants that you'll want to get rid of. The Pale Swallow-wort and the Black Swallow-wort Milkweed. Just Google some pictures of them. They'll kill Monarchs.
7/13/2019 09:28:25 pm
last year i had a few butterfly plants that produces the seeds for wind distribution. they came back this year but so did so other milkweed plans that grew to almost 6ft tall. just before they could flower the home owners assoc. contacted me and demanded i cut down the weeds since i'm 83 ,on limited income i could not have them come and cut down the plants so i had to do it. idonot know if they would have attracted monarchs but i wanted the chance the parent plants are just 2 1/2 feet tall. is there a smaller plant i can get to do the job.
Patti Farris
7/26/2019 11:29:49 am
Hi John,
Ann Knudson
7/19/2021 01:23:00 pm
Suggest you, and any friends you can recruit, run for office in your homeowners association. Take it over and you can grow milkweed in peace.
Patti Farris
7/26/2019 11:26:33 am
Is there a simple way to tell a. speciosa from a. syriaca? In the wild they look very similar but in the picture here syriaca seems to have a reddish hint to its leaf veins.
10/13/2019 09:03:44 pm
For me, the flowers are distinctively different. A. speciosa has longer hoods on top that point outwards, giving it a starry look. The hoods on A. syriaca are shorter and stick straight up.
April Fairweather
8/16/2019 07:01:27 am
This is my second year and, so far, I'm flunking Milkweed 101. Last year I planted six asclepias incarnata which came along nicely both years but no, I mean NO, butterfly action. I now wonder if they really are swamp milkweed or some imposter. Four to six thick, heavy,dark greenish-brown stalks arise from a single stump. The leaves are healthy and look exactly like the incarnata in on-line photos. It's mid-August and I have only tiny, green buds, no flowers. Late bloomers or fakes? No eggs or caterpillars to be found, not a single chewed leaf, and no frassy poo. I have a patch of other incarnata (I think) where each plant arises from a single, independent, flimsy stem. These attract monarchs and I've had some caterpillars - none survived. In an effort to protect them from flying, stinging, poisonous, infectious insects, I erected a small lattice shelter then covered it with fine net. (Somehow I'd managed to trap a monarch, then my cat got inside and laid on the fragile plants.) Yesterday when I discovered two tiny caterpillars on the plants outside the net tent, I carefully removed the plants (complete with attached caterpillars) then transplanted to the safety of the tent. I guess after all this, my questions are: Shall I pull out the stumps of those incarnata-like plants that are not attracting monarchs? And what has happened to those that died? And am I beating myself up with the tent idea? I will happily submit photos of all of the above. Heading out now for a cat-count probably ending in renewed discouragement. Thank you for any advice. April Fairweather, Central PA
8/16/2019 11:37:50 am
April, first I'm no expert but just curious, did you obtain or buy seeds? Only a guess here but it seems finding locally growing weed might be a better idea. And if your in a big city it might mean a road trip, stuff grows anywhere weeds can grow and not be mowed down.
8/24/2019 07:37:46 am
Thank you for posting, thank you for the helpful comments and thank you planting! I have a hard time weeding out the “weedy-weeds” from the desired plants and this helps me.
Alice Ray
9/8/2019 08:49:54 am
I have the orange flowering milkweed which I started by digging up from a road side ditch that was about to be mowed down. It has been blooming in my garden for years but it blooms and makes pods with seeds attached to silky fluff that I try every fall to let loose along my long lane. Nothing shows...should I save the seeds and plant it in the spring? The monarchs do not appear here (upper SC) until the milkweed seed has blown away. They usually appear in late September and October. I do try to grow butterfly bushes (four) to feed them but I would like to have more flowers blooming for them as they travel. Years ago when my daughters were young, we lay down in our yard and were amazed to watch a trail of hundreds of monarchs passing over our farm. We have not seen that many since and their numbers are decreasing each year. We get lots of fritillary and swallowtail and other smaller butterflies but treasure the sight of monarchs.Thank you for your website which has helped me.
9/8/2019 11:56:52 am
Pretty sure it's the common variety they prefer to eat as caterpillars. (Second from the bottom picture on this page.) The one with the rosy pink flowers on it. I have the orange one too and though I see butterflies drinking nectar I have never seen any kind of caterpillar on it. Same goes for the butterfly bush.
6/13/2020 01:57:25 pm
I have many of the orange flowering Milkweed plants. I grew them from seed and this year I have well over 50 seed pods. Last Year I had a few and a couple have sprouted after I planted the seeds. Last year I had two cats on them and they were devouring the plants.
9/11/2019 04:06:05 pm
One odd thing I just discovered. There are some small furry caterpillars in my milkweed. They have the color of a monarch butterfly. Now, the interesting part is, I just saw a monarch caterpillar on my semi-dried dill plant. Is this a normal behavior ?
4/4/2020 09:24:08 am
Hi Rikiev,
Alanna Hofer
9/11/2019 06:21:45 pm
I found a monarch caterpillar in my backyard, and I was missing so I took it in. I have never raised a monarch, but I have raised caterpillars before. The problem is I don't know if my weed ridden yard has any milkweed in it. I looked in the area, but I couldn't find any plants that matches the description or the picture, although I did just mow the lawn. How do I find milkweed in the absence of seed pods AND flowers when just mowed. And what do I do if there is no milkweed. What would a monarch caterpillar be out here without milkweed, anyway. I don't know if milkweed even grows here in the Midwest.
9/11/2019 08:57:35 pm
If you found a monarch caterpillar, you must have milkweed close. Doubt you mowed it since it grows so tall. Almost as tall as a corn stalk. Look at those last two photos here, that's what I have. Raised a half dozen or so indoors just clipping leaves and feeding them. But that's the ONLY thing they eat. Gotta be some around. Once I knew what I was looking for and started looking around, the stuff is growing along side most country roads here, In the ditch between where they mow the side of the road and farms and such. Plenty of it. I'm in MI by the way if that helps.
7/23/2020 10:26:15 am
Hi Jenny, I'm in way north end of Oakland County MI, heavily wooded and open meadows. This spring I repurposed my kitchen garden to a 'b& b' flower patch with whatever tasty nursery plants I could get around here, and tada! we have monarchs already! Am planning now how to do purposeful improvements for next year. Any thoughts? Thinking of simply expanding one end, say 12'× 6' for a dozen - fifteen or so locally sourced common Michigan milkweed, whatever I can scout or beg from local properties before frost. We use no chemicals but after 30 years here suburbia is encroaching, less frogs and swallows is our bellwether. Thanks.
Darla L Vos
10/10/2019 09:40:09 am
Thanks so much for this. It is just what I've been looking for.
4/4/2020 09:24:45 am
Thank you for reading, I'm glad it was helpful. :)
Maria S Catalino
11/11/2019 02:54:26 pm
When I learned that the Mexican Milkweed, which grows very tall, carries a parasite injurious to the chrysalis I quickly pulled up all of mine. Hope all Monarch lovers are aware of this.
11/11/2019 06:59:10 pm
Wow, thanks for the heads-up! I looked that up, and found that the parasite is only a problem in places where the mexican milkweed doesn't die back to the ground in the winter. It's Question #4 on this page: https://monarchjointventure.org/news-events/news/qa-about-research-related-to-tropical-milkweed-and-monarch-parasites
4/4/2020 09:29:12 am
Hi Elaine,
Tom Griffiths
1/24/2020 10:12:31 pm
I read in our local newspaper about the recent decline of the monarch, I do see them occasionally here in our garden in Concord, CA; I will talk to our local nursery to see if they can recommend something that I can put in our garden (we have plenty of garden space here) that will help them...Thank you..
4/4/2020 09:31:43 am
Hi Tom,
2/23/2020 04:34:55 am
I am in Australia just recently I have found about 30 catapiller on my milkweed plant. In which they demolished it in no time flat. What else can I feed them. They are monarch
4/4/2020 09:33:50 am
Hi Faye,
Kathy Addison
4/25/2020 08:10:08 am
Does any type of milkweed have stickers on the leaves
5/19/2020 04:37:26 pm
I used to find milkweed along the railroad tracks in suburban Chicago. Now I live in South FL. Where can I find milkweed plants for my yard?
Mike Martin
5/29/2020 07:56:49 pm
6/1/2020 10:48:13 am
When should I be looking for monarch eggs under the leaves in East Tennessee?
Scott Stephens
6/8/2020 06:34:43 pm
Very nice! Thank you for photo's and explanations. Great info!
Carol Walker
6/19/2020 03:07:42 pm
How do I submit a pic of my “milkweed”?
7/5/2020 08:39:24 pm
I'm writing from NZ but while living in Missouri I drew what I think is a milkweed? It was 3' tall/fluffy thistledown type seeds bursting from the gorgeous 'cradle' split. BUT had thin ribbonlike leaves drooping and curling around the strong upright stalk. SO different from the photo 'A speciosa' in the saveourmonarchs.org site. My drawing is detailed and framed in pride of place as a memory of my years in USA flora drawings. It needs a name? Thanks. Carol
7/6/2020 08:33:36 am
Can you post a link to a photo of your drawing? I don't see it if you already did.
11/17/2024 08:15:02 am
Hi there! This article provides incredibly valuable insights. It's amazing how small changes can lead to such significant results. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Paulette Hunter
7/28/2020 06:04:27 pm
Hi there, I live in Washago Ontario Canada. My coworker gave me 4 pods of milkweed native to my area she harvested from plants in her yard nearby. I planted them last fall with a bit of fresh earth next to the river in front of my home. Well I have at least 20 plants growing some with a cluster of flowers some with none. I realize this is only their first year so may not get any activity. I'm really not sure yet which milk weeds I have but I am trying to research that by identifying them on the net. Funny though I have other plants nearby that have been there (since my husband stopped mowing them down)that may also are br another species of Milkweed. We have a lot of geese here so we decided to let it all grow to deter them from coming up a pooping everywhere. I was just wondering if I could send you some pictures of what I have growing so you could confirm what and if it's milkweed
7/28/2020 06:47:44 pm
Try pasting "which milkweed plants do monarchs breed on" into google, turn on images, and start looking. TONS of images there. Surely you can match what you have to images already online.
Dan Findrick
10/1/2020 11:09:00 am
I just noticed a bunch of small orangish pod looking things on the stem of my milkweed. They are about the size of a freckle. Any idea what they might be? Probably about 25-50 of them.
10/1/2020 02:39:26 pm
Monarch eggs are yellow and never all laid in the same spot. Find those on the undersides of leaves, single eggs scattered here and there.
10/26/2020 08:30:31 am
I got a lot of large milkweed pods from down the road at a city garden, so I assume they're not tropical, but they had very few leaves left on them already in the fall. The pods are shown here (can for size): https://ibb.co/4T23JD8
11/13/2020 11:14:04 am
Well, since no-one else has answered you yet, I'll chime in. It looks a lot like Aclepias syriaca to me, but there are 10 other species native to Michigan, and I don't know what they look like. To see the list, go to this page, type in "asclepias" at the top, click the checkbox next to Michigan, then click Display Results:
I ordered a bunch of seeds for the Monarch Butterfly and am in the process of growing the seeds. I have leaves now, but they don't have the veins that I see in the milkweed seeds I see online. My leaves are young yet, so with they get veiny?
Very hard to tell from just seeds alone. And yes, they do lose most leaves by fall. (Mine started to look sad by end of Aug. I'm in MI too.)
Well, since no-one else has answered you yet, I'll chime in. It looks a lot like Aclepias syriaca to me, but there are 10 other species native to Michigan, and I don't know what they llook like. If you go to this page, type in "asclepias" and click next to michigan, you'll see the list:
11/11/2020 01:01:44 pm
i have collected dried exploding pods but don’t know what variety. is there a way to distinguish between varieties when all the leaves have fallen?
Bee ? Pollard
4/23/2021 08:57:20 pm
For several years I planted lots of milkweed and raised monarchs. I stopped counting how man. Lots of monarchs in my yard, But one summer I noticed that the flower heads were nodding. On the stem of the plant were scars where this weevil would place his seeds. Then the flower dropped. The weevil, by cutting around the flower head had released it white liquid that would pour down the stem and feed the larva. I watched for the weevil, but no luck. It’s a fast mover and when you reach
Kevin M Dodge
7/24/2021 05:10:21 pm
I live in coastal Maine(pretty much a bog by the sea) so i've had the best luck growing Swamp Milkweed from seeds as they grow 5 feet tall(2nd yr) & produce flowers for weeks.my 8 X 8 patch is a constant flurry of Monarchs,bees,Friterlary butterflys; they ignore the 2 orange Butterfly bushes & Joe Pye weeds up by the house.yes, ~size~ does matter ha ha!
JM Schulte
7/29/2021 11:14:13 pm
Found this on a butterfly blog, and thought it might answer the queries about why Monarchs seem to prefer Common Milkweed over Swamp Milkweed, etc. See what you think:
9/21/2021 10:34:02 am
I have grown a milkweed that grew orange flowers and it secrets milky white sap....What is that one called? And Can I use it for herbal remedies?
Margurite Grace
10/8/2021 01:19:05 pm
Marvelous help. Garden in Pa. Common milkweed mainly. Was crossing the state's with a grandchild to Arkansas in Tennessee at a rest/welcome center. I'm like looks like but looks nothing like. 😆 I drive my family bonkers with let me get my lens. But it is seeding at this point so i had no clue to color or flower type. I should have guess I was right due to the bee and butterflys at work sign. Deetadee. Thank you for your wonderful work
Eric Claeyborn
12/12/2021 02:24:31 am
Years ago, when I was a young boy about 8 yrs old, I found a Caterpillar and put it into a glass jar with some leaves and twigs. I punched some holes in the lid, and put it on the furnace. There was soon a cocoon in the jar. I left it alone for the entire winter, and in the springtime I noticed there was a beautiful Monarch Butterfly inside the jar. I set it free outside, and it must have flown around my house for about 3 days, before it finally went somewhere else. I know, there was a milkweed plant next to my house at that time, so it was probably drawn to it.
12/13/2021 09:33:34 pm
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Heidi Rothenhaus
4/2/2022 01:20:37 pm
Have you considered providing a seedling identifier that includes photos of roots? I'm growing seedlings from plants in my yard (incarnata ice ballet and pink, tuberosa, and tropical) and have lost confidence that my labeling is correct. I'm not sure, but it seems tuberosa stems don't become fuzzy until the plant is several inches tall.
6/4/2022 02:48:59 pm
Is there a milkweed species with tiny aster-shaped, or maybe dandelion-shaped flowers? I didn't think there was, but there are many coming up where I planted several varieties of milkweed.
7/9/2022 07:49:06 am
The bees on my common milkweed in Michigan are not letting the monarchs anywhere near it. Anyone see this happening?
7/21/2022 10:23:38 pm
The information in the article identifying Milkweed is wonderful I had no idea. My yard has huge variety of many perennials that draw bees, all kinds of birds butterflies etc but have noticed the monarches have thinned. Where do I get milkweed in sw Ohio
8/8/2022 08:08:24 am
Nice article! Thanks for sharing this informative post. Keep posting!
Meipo Martin
8/31/2022 10:59:40 am
To help readers identify milkweeds for seed pod collection purpose, wouldn’t it be great if you could provide more info, or even better, photos of the respective seed pods? By the time the seed pods are here, there is no flower or even leaves for us to refer to for identification .
2/1/2023 07:03:59 am
Thank you very much for your post.
2/1/2023 07:40:22 am
WHY are you trying to sell weed on a blog about MILKWEED? Do you not understand the difference?
4/6/2023 09:57:53 am
I have also a hard time identifying milkweed plants. Thanks for this post, it will be easier now.
4/11/2023 10:48:09 am
Thanks for the sharing information!
5/20/2023 11:36:18 am
I live in western Colorado. Can you tell me what a young, just sprouting, milkweed plant looks like?? I don’t want to disturb the seeds I planted last yr. I can identify a full grown plant. Thanks.
So I am in Illinois. Planted 1 milkweed last year late. Never bloomed. 5 came up this year and still haven't bloomed. How do I know which 1, when it blooms, and if monarchs will be attracted to it. I wish I can have hundreds along my back fence and back yard. Learned alot from my kiddo who loves monarchs.
Hi Jake, (former Illinois resident here, transplanted to Mi decades ago.)
"Identifying milkweed plants quickly and confidently is like finding nature's hidden treasure. With their distinctive clusters of vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers and leaves that spiral up their sturdy stems like a staircase to the sky, milkweed stands out like a beacon in the wild. Once you've spotted these ecological gems, you're not just recognizing a plant; you're unlocking a world of wonder, supporting monarch butterflies, and connecting with the beauty of the natural world. It's a skill that allows you to be a guardian of both nature and a symbol of transformation, all in one." 🌿🦋 #MilkweedMysteries #NatureLover
10/11/2023 01:14:48 am
I absolutely agree with the idea of becoming a citizen scientist to support the Monarchs. It's incredible how a small effort on our part can make a significant impact on the conservation of these beautiful butterflies. Monitoring Milkweed populations is crucial because Milkweed is the primary food source for Monarch caterpillars. By actively participating in such projects, we can contribute valuable data that helps scientists and researchers understand the health of these essential plants and the Monarch butterfly population as a whole.
"Thank you for this fantastic guide on identifying milkweed plants quickly and confidently! Your detailed explanations, clear photos, and helpful tips make it so easy for both beginners and experienced nature enthusiasts to distinguish these essential plants. As a butterfly lover and advocate for pollinators, I appreciate how this information empowers us to support monarch butterflies and other pollinators by planting and protecting milkweed. Your dedication to fostering a healthier environment shines through in this informative resource. Kudos!" 🌿🦋 #NatureLovers #PollinatorProtectors #MilkweedMagic
11/13/2023 10:37:51 am
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8/15/2024 07:45:00 am
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8/19/2024 10:43:16 am
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8/27/2024 10:53:59 am
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8/29/2024 01:46:45 am
A Mahadev Book Id provides users access to a comprehensive platform for online betting and gaming. With a unique ID, users can explore various betting options, including sports and games, ensuring a seamless experience. This ID acts as a gateway to a secure and regulated environment where users can place bets, manage their accounts, and enjoy a wide range of entertainment options.
8/29/2024 05:24:17 am
<a href=" https://silverexchcom.com "><b> Silverexch </b></a> is an online gaming platform focused on sports betting and games. Known for its intuitive design and secure environment, Silverexch offers a variety of betting options, including cricket, football, and other popular sports. The platform also features an array of games, appealing to a broad audience of players. With competitive odds, fast payouts, and attractive promotions, Silverexch has established itself as a trusted destination for both new and experienced bettors.
8/29/2024 10:42:35 pm
An <a href=" https://cricketonlineid.com.in "><b>Online Cricket ID</b></a> is a specialized account that gives users access to platforms for betting on cricket matches. This ID allows users to engage in live betting, track real-time scores, and explore various cricket-specific betting markets. Designed for cricket fans, it offers a secure and user-friendly experience, making it easy to manage wagers, participate in promotions, and enjoy the excitement of online cricket betting. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or new to the game, an Online Cricket ID is essential for fully enjoying the thrill of cricket betting.
Golden77 offers an excellent online betting experience. The site is well-designed, and it’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into making it user-friendly. Whether you’re into live sports betting or casino games, Golden77 has something to offer. The bonuses and promotions are fantastic, and they really enhance the overall experience. It’s great to see a platform that prioritizes both security and entertainment. Highly recommend Golden77 to all betting enthusiasts.
8/30/2024 02:13:04 am
Cricbet999 is my new favorite online betting site, especially for cricket. The platform offers an extensive range of betting markets, including pre-match and live betting options, which keep the excitement going throughout the match. I appreciate how user-friendly the site is, with clear instructions and a smooth betting process. The customer support team is responsive and helpful, ensuring a hassle-free experience. For anyone interested in cricket betting, Cricbet999 is the ultimate platform to place your bets with confidence.
8/30/2024 02:22:38 am
"I’ve been a fan of online betting for years, but Tigerexch has quickly become my go-to platform. The variety of betting markets is fantastic, and the live betting feature keeps me on the edge of my seat. What really sets Tigerexch apart, though, is the reliability of their service. I’ve never experienced any downtime, and customer support is always prompt and helpful. If you’re looking for a top-tier online betting experience, you can’t go wrong with Tigerexch."
8/30/2024 02:25:12 am
Lotus365 Book is quickly becoming my go-to for online betting. The platform is reliable and offers an extensive range of games that cater to all kinds of bettors. I was particularly impressed by how easy it is to navigate the site, even for a beginner. The bonuses and promotions they offer are generous, which is a big plus in my book. It's rare to find a betting platform that combines variety, ease of use, and great customer support, but Lotus365 Book does it all. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys online betting!
8/30/2024 02:32:00 am
An <a href="https://onlinecricketid.org.in/">Online Cricket ID</a> is a unique account that provides access to online cricket betting platforms. With this ID, users can place bets on live cricket matches, track real-time scores, and explore various betting markets. Designed for cricket enthusiasts, an Online Cricket ID ensures a secure and personalized betting experience, making it easy to manage wagers and participate in promotions. This ID is essential for anyone looking to enjoy the thrill of betting on cricket matches online.
8/30/2024 04:33:09 am
<a href=" https://silverexchcom.com "><b>Silverexch</b></a> is an online gaming platform focused on sports betting and games. Known for its intuitive design and secure environment, Silverexch offers a variety of betting options, including cricket, football, and other popular sports. The platform also features an array of games, appealing to a broad audience of players. With competitive odds, fast payouts, and attractive promotions, Silverexch has established itself as a trusted destination for both new and experienced bettors.
8/30/2024 10:14:03 pm
<a href="https://laserbook.com.in">Laser247</a> is an online platform dedicated to sports betting and gaming. It offers a wide range of betting options, including popular sports like cricket, football, and more. The platform is designed with user convenience in mind, featuring a sleek interface and secure payment methods. Laser247 is known for its competitive odds, quick payouts, and attractive bonuses, making it a preferred choice for both casual and professional bettors looking for a reliable and engaging gaming experience.
8/30/2024 11:14:22 pm
Reddy Anna Book has quickly become my go-to for online betting. The website is easy to navigate, and I love the variety of sports they cover. The odds are always competitive, which makes for a better betting experience. Plus, the transactions are quick and hassle-free. The support team is always on hand to assist with any issues, making it a stress-free experience. A must-try for any serious bettor!
<a href="https://dreamexch.org">Dreamexch</a> is an online betting platform that offers a variety of sports betting options, with a strong emphasis on cricket, football, and other popular sports. The platform is designed to provide users with a seamless and secure betting experience, featuring live betting, competitive odds, and diverse betting markets. In addition to sports betting, Dreamexch also offers a selection of games, including slots and live dealer options. Known for its user-friendly interface, fast payouts, and attractive promotions, Dreamexch is a popular choice for both novice and experienced bettors seeking a comprehensive online gaming and betting experience.
Icebook9 has exceeded my expectations in every way! The platform is incredibly easy to navigate, and the variety of games is fantastic. I especially enjoy the live betting options, which add an extra layer of excitement. The site also offers great bonuses, making it even more appealing. If you’re looking for a betting platform that offers a top-notch experience, Icebook9 is definitely the place to be. Highly recommended!
<a href="">https://Laser247comonline.in</a> is an online platform specializing in sports betting and gaming. It offers a comprehensive selection of betting options, with a particular emphasis on popular sports like cricket, football, and tennis. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, featuring secure payment methods and fast payouts. Laser247 also provides a variety of games, including slots and live dealer games, catering to a broad audience. With competitive odds and regular promotions, Laser247 has become a preferred choice for both casual and professional bettors.
This blog provides some fantastic tips for enhancing your betting strategy. I’ve been using 45sports for a while now, and I can attest to the quality of the platform. The odds are competitive, and the site’s layout is very intuitive. Whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just starting, 45sports offers something for everyone. I’m looking forward to more posts like this. Keep sharing these great insights!
9/4/2024 04:54:31 am
<a href="https://lotusbook365.com.in/ "><b> Lotus365</b></a> is an online betting platform offering a variety of sports betting and gaming options. Known for its extensive coverage of popular sports like cricket, football, tennis, and more, Lotus365 provides competitive odds, live betting features, and various betting markets. The platform also includes a wide selection of games such as slots, poker, and live dealer options. With its user-friendly interface, secure transactions, fast payouts, and attractive promotions, Lotus365 is a preferred choice for both novice and experienced bettors looking for a comprehensive and engaging online gaming experience.
9/4/2024 06:37:22 am
Thanks for your post.
Lotus365 has quickly become my go-to betting site. The range of sports and live betting options is impressive, catering to all my betting needs in one place. Their customer support is also top-notch, always ready to assist whenever I have queries. The bonuses and promotions offered are a great incentive too. If you’re looking for a trustworthy betting platform with a fantastic user experience, Lotus365 is the place .
9/6/2024 11:42:03 pm
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"What I love about <a href="https://betbhaibook.com.in/">Bet Bhai</a> is how it caters to both casual gamers and serious bettors. The variety of games and betting options is impressive, ensuring there’s something for everyone. The site’s security measures are reassuring, giving me peace of mind while playing. Plus, the fast withdrawal process is a big plus. Betbhai has become my go-to platform for all things gaming!"
9/10/2024 03:31:38 am
One thing that stands out about 11Xplay Online is its variety of betting options. Unlike other platforms that focus on just a few sports, 11Xplay Online covers everything from major leagues to niche tournaments. This diversity is fantastic for someone like me who likes to explore different sports. The site is also easy to navigate, which is a big plus. With features like live streaming and in-play betting, 11Xplay Online ensures you're always in the action. Definitely worth checking out!
9/10/2024 03:45:51 am
I've been using <a href="https://golden7777.com.in/signup/">golden 7777</a> for a few weeks now, and I’m really impressed with how well the platform performs. The games load quickly, and I’ve experienced no technical issues while playing. Another aspect that sets this platform apart is the sheer variety of betting options available. Whether you're into poker, blackjack, or betting on sports, there’s always something new to try. The mobile version of the platform works just as smoothly, so I can place my bets on the go. Overall, Golden7777 is a solid option for anyone interested in online betting, offering both convenience and reliability.
9/10/2024 03:58:19 am
"One thing I admire about Allpanel Mahadev Book is their attention to detail when it comes to user security. Knowing that my personal and financial information is protected gives me peace of mind while betting. The platform is also packed with features that make betting fun and engaging. Whether you’re into sports betting or sport games, Allpanel Mahadev Book has something for everyone. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of their service."
"I’ve been using Golden77 for a while, and it’s hands down one of the best betting platforms out there. The site is well-organized, making it easy to find the sports or events I’m interested in. The odds are competitive, and I like the range of markets available. Customer service has been quick to respond whenever I’ve had questions. I also appreciate their commitment to responsible sport . Overall, Golden77 is a solid platform for both casual and serious bettors. I’ve recommended it to a few friends, and they’ve had positive experiences too."
9/12/2024 05:08:27 am
<p><strong><a href="https://radheexchangebook.com/">Radhe Exchange</a></strong> is a leading online betting platform that provides users with a wide variety of betting markets, including sports, casino games, and live events. Known for its user-friendly interface and reliable services, Radhe Exchange allows bettors to place wagers easily, offering competitive odds and a secure environment for transactions. Whether you are betting on cricket, football, or trying your luck at casino games, Radhe Exchange ensures a smooth, transparent, and engaging experience for users of all levels. With its focus on customer satisfaction, Radhe Exchange is a go-to platform for those seeking a dynamic and trustworthy betting experience.</p>
"999 Exch has set a new standard for online gaming platforms. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy even for beginners to start playing right away. The variety of games is vast, and I particularly enjoy the live dealer options. The customer support team is responsive, addressing any issues promptly. For a secure and enjoyable gaming experience, 999 Exch is definitely worth checking out."
9/13/2024 02:44:20 am
Jannat Book 247 has revolutionized my online betting experience. The platform is packed with features that cater to both casual bettors and high rollers. I particularly enjoy the live betting feature, which allows me to place bets in real-time as the action unfolds. The odds are some of the best I've seen, and the range of sports covered is impressive. For anyone looking to enhance their betting experience, Jannat Book 247 is a must-try.
"Sky 247 offers an impressive variety of betting options that cater to both casual and serious bettors. I’ve particularly enjoyed their live betting section, where the odds update in real-time, adding excitement to every match. The site is easy to navigate, even on mobile devices, making it convenient to place bets on the go. Customer support has been responsive and helpful whenever I’ve had questions. Overall, Sky 247 provides a top-notch betting experience."
"I’ve been using vlbook for a while, and it’s hands down one of the best betting platforms out there. The site is well-organized, making it easy to find the sports or events I’m interested in. The odds are competitive, and I like the range of markets available. Customer service has been quick to respond whenever I’ve had questions. I also appreciate their commitment to responsible sport . Overall, vlbook is a solid platform for both casual and serious bettors. I’ve recommended it to a few friends, and they’ve had positive experiences too."
9/13/2024 11:00:12 pm
Sky1Exchange offers an outstanding platform for online betting enthusiasts. With its sleek interface and user-friendly features, it makes placing bets a breeze. I appreciate the live betting option, which adds excitement to every game. The site is responsive, and the customer support is always quick to help. If you're into sports betting, Sky1Exchange is definitely worth a try. I've had a smooth experience here, and the odds are competitive. Highly recommended for beginners and pros alike!
<a href="http://winner11com.in/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Winner11.com</a> is a comprehensive online platform designed for fans of fantasy sports and competitive gaming. The website offers detailed insights, expert tips, and tools to help users enhance their fantasy game strategies and make informed decisions. Whether you're new to fantasy sports or a seasoned player, Winner11 provides valuable resources to elevate your gameplay and increase your chances of winning.
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9/23/2024 10:37:22 pm
One of the standout features of Thampi Book is the diverse range of sports it offers for betting. While cricket and football dominate the betting scene, Thampi Book also covers other sports like basketball, tennis, and horse racing. Additionally, it provides users with multiple betting options, from simple win/loss bets to more complex in-play and accumulative bets. This wide variety ensures that users have the flexibility to bet according to their preferences, making Thampi Book a versatile platform.
<a href="https://skyexch.com.in/">Skyexch</a> has quickly become my favorite online betting platform. The range of sports and Card games they offer is outstanding. The live betting feature keeps me engaged throughout the games, and the odds are always competitive. I’ve never had any issues with deposits or withdrawals, and the bonuses they offer are a great incentive. If you’re looking for a seamless betting experience, Skyexch is the way to go!
<a href=" https://playexch.co.in/ "><b>Playexch</a></b> is your ultimate destination for online sports betting and gaming. Offering a seamless and user-friendly experience, Playexch brings a wide range of exciting betting options, from cricket to football, and live games that keep the thrill alive. Whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just getting started, Playexch ensures a secure, fast, and reliable platform for all your gaming needs. With 24/7 customer support and fast withdrawals, it’s no wonder Playexch is gaining popularity among betting enthusiasts. Join Playexch today and elevate your betting experience!
9/30/2024 04:39:26 am
<a href=" https://mostbetbook.com.in/"><b>Mostbet</b></a> stands out as a top-tier online betting platform in India, offering a diverse range of sports betting, games, and live dealer options. Users appreciate its intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless betting experience whether on desktop or mobile. The platform prioritizes security with encrypted transactions and reliable customer support, fostering trust among its community. Additionally, Mostbet Book provides competitive odds and attractive bonuses, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or new to online betting, Mostbet Book caters to all. Explore responsibly and elevate your betting journey today!
10/3/2024 12:14:48 am
Excellent article. It is Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking.
10/3/2024 10:39:54 pm
99exch is a dynamic platform offering a wide range of entertainment options to suit all preferences. With its user-friendly interface and exciting features, it's perfect for those who enjoy a thrilling online experience. Whether you're looking for live events or innovative games, 99exch has something for everyone. Dive in and explore a world of fun and excitement!
10/8/2024 08:59:42 am
Thanks for your post.
Despite its many benefits, Online Betting ID are not without challenges. Some critics argue that fantasy sports can lead to over-commercialization, where fans care more about individual player performances than the outcome of the actual games. This shift in focus can dilute the traditional team-oriented nature of sports fandom.
Additionally, the rise of daily Online Betting ID (DFS), where participants can join new leagues and win money daily, has raised concerns about the potential for gambling addiction. While DFS platforms are legal in many regions, they operate in a gray area between skill-based gaming and gambling, and their rapid growth has led to calls for stricter regulation.
10/10/2024 09:29:43 am
Thanks for your post.
10/14/2024 07:58:19 am
Create an Account: Sign up for a free Silverexch account.
10/22/2024 04:39:39 am
Allpanel is the gateway to a dynamic betting platform. It allows users to securely access their accounts and manage their betting activities. With a focus on user experience, Allpanel Login ensures that users can easily place bets, track their winnings, and stay updated with the latest sports events and betting opportunities.
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10/25/2024 04:53:41 am
I can’t praise <a href="https://betbhai9.com.in/">Betbhai9</a> enough! It’s been my favorite online betting platform for sports and card games. The variety they offer is excellent, and the live betting option keeps me on edge throughout the matches. Their odds are highly competitive, and customer support has been prompt every time I had a question. Plus, the site works smoothly on both desktop and mobile. I’d recommend Betbhai9 to anyone serious about betting.
10/27/2024 10:16:44 am
This holiday season, funny trending Christmas T-shirts are a must-have for anyone looking to spread some festive cheer with a dose of humor! With catchy phrases like "I’m Only Here for the Eggnog" and playful designs featuring everything from grumpy Santas to playful elves, these shirts bring a lighthearted touch to holiday festivities. Ideal for parties, family gatherings, or even cozy nights in, they make great conversation starters and are perfect for anyone wanting to stand out in the sea of traditional holiday attire. Whether you're decking the halls or simply enjoying the season's treats, these hilarious tees ensure you celebrate in style while keeping the laughter rolling!
10/31/2024 12:27:12 am
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11/4/2024 05:24:47 am
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11/5/2024 02:54:21 am
Thanks for your post.
<a href="https://mostbetbook.com.in/"><b>Mostbet</b></a> has really become a go-to platform for many sports enthusiasts! From my experience, it offers a seamless betting experience with a wide range of sports markets and competitive odds. Plus, the platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate, even for beginners. The bonuses and promotions are an added perk that keeps the excitement going. If you’re into live betting, Mostbet’s real-time updates and diverse options definitely make it worth checking out. Anyone else here tried it? What are your thoughts on the platform?
11/17/2024 08:13:46 am
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Great insights! <a href="https://cricbet99.com.in/">Cricbet99</a> is quickly becoming a favorite for cricket enthusiasts looking for a reliable betting platform. Its user-friendly interface and real-time match updates make it easy to stay engaged and informed during every game. Plus, the variety of options they offer, from live betting to in-play options, makes it an exciting choice for both beginners and seasoned players. Anyone else here tried it? Would love to hear your thoughts!
11/12/2024 09:50:06 pm
If you want to start with cricket betting, getting an <a href="https://onlinecricketid.com.au">Online Cricket ID</a> is the first step. Many trusted platforms give safe and quick IDs that let you play from home. With an Online Cricket ID, you can enjoy live cricket games, place bets, and win rewards. It's simple and easy to sign up, and you get full support to start betting right away. Just remember to choose a platform with good reviews and a solid reputation. Cricket fans in India are loving this way to add excitement to every match!
11/13/2024 01:34:54 pm
Mahadev Book online is a premier online betting platform renowned for its speed, security, and reliability. Since its inception, Mahadev Book has become the preferred choice for sports enthusiasts and gaming aficionados, offering a wide variety of betting options across popular sports such as cricket, football, basketball, and more. The platform seamlessly blends advanced technology with a user-friendly interface, ensuring both experienced bettors and newcomers have a smooth and enjoyable experience. With Mahadev Book, you can easily create your personalized betting ID, access 24/7 customer support, and make instant deposits and withdrawals for hassle-free transactions. Additionally, Mahadev Book offers exclusive promotions, rewarding bonuses, and live game updates, ensuring a dynamic and exciting gaming experience. Join Mahadev Book today and take your online betting adventure to the next level with confidence!
11/17/2024 08:12:24 am
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11/18/2024 11:11:02 pm
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<b><a href="https://allpaanelsignup.ind.in/">Allpaanel</a></b> stands out as a premier choice in online betting, renowned for its incredibly user-friendly design. The platform’s intuitive layout makes navigation effortless, whether you’re managing your account, placing bets, or exploring new betting options. Its straightforward setup ensures that bettors, regardless of experience level, can dive into the action smoothly. With a focus on simplicity and accessibility, Allpaanel has become a favorite among users who appreciate an easy, hassle-free betting experience.
11/21/2024 10:23:29 pm
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11/22/2024 02:19:02 am
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