Frequently Asked Questions
How big is the monarch, and how long does it live?
Wingspan is 3.7 to 4.1 in (94-104mm). Weight is .72 to .25 oz (7.1-21 grams).
How long does the monarch live?
The first three or four generations of monarchs have a 2-6 weeks life span and the 4 or 5th generation, called the Methuselah Generation that will migrate to Mexico will live 4-6 months.
Where do monarchs lay their eggs?
They lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves of the milkweed plant. If there is no milkweed, there can be no monarchs.
How many eggs do they lay?
It is hard to say exactly how many eggs a mother Monarch butterfly will lay but it is estimated 100-300 a day. In proper conditions she will only lay one egg per plant to ensure the offspring has a sufficient food source. However, in recent years "egg dumps" (many eggs on one plant) have been observed.
What does the monarch caterpillar eat?
Monarchs consume only the leaves of the milkweed plant. The caterpillar is a voracious eater, capable of consuming an entire milkweed leaf in less than five minutes. They gain about 2,700 times their original weight, and in the process, excrete an abundant quantity of “frass” (or waste). These butterflies use their eyes to locate flowers, they use their antennas to smell the nectar and the minute receptors lodged in their feet called “tarsi” come in handy to taste sweet substances .
What are the stages of the monarchs life?
The monarch butterflies go through prolonged stages of metamorphoses, starting with its larva or caterpillar, shedding or molting its skin an amazing five times before the pupa stage.
What is the genetics of the monarch?
Monarchs can produce four generations during one summer. The first three generations will have life spans from 2 - 6 weeks and will continue moving north. During this time they will mate and have the next generation that will continue the northward migration. The fourth generation is different and can live up to nine months. These are the butterflies that will migrate south for winter to either Mexico or southern California.
What are the threats to the monarch?
One of the many effects of climate change will be wetter and colder winters. If they are dry, monarchs can survive below freezing temperatures, but if they get wet and the temperature drops they will freeze to death. Because hundreds of millions of monarchs are located in such a small area in the Sierra Nevada of Mexico during the winter, a cold snap there could be devastating.
How fast does the monarch butterfly fly?
The wings flap slower than other butterflies at about 300 to 720 times a minute. They fly at speeds ranging between 12 to 25 miles an hour.
Can they smell?
Senses of smell and vision help the Monarch butterflies to assess its environment.
How do they communicate?
Their process of communication uses colors and scents. Chemical discharged from the rear wing glands help the males to attract its mate.
How do they survive from predators?
Monarchs have a particularly foul taste, which is poisonous to many predators.
Where does the Monarch go in the winter?
The monarch migrates as much as 3,000 miles to the State of Michoacan in Mexico.
How do I order Milkweed Seeds?
Milkweed seed is available in seed packets OR in bulk. You can order them at, and click on 'Get 'Seeds'.
What is 'bulk seed'?
Bulk seed is not packaged into seed packets, but are provided in sealed bags. Bulk seed is available from 1/2 ounce up to 10 pounds.
What is the germination rate?
In nature, the germination rate of seeds that are randomly scattered by the wind is about 1%. However if you 'cold stratify' the seeds, the germination rate should be better than 80%.
Where are the seeds grown?
The genetic origin of the milkweed is in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, in farms that are GMO-free. The seeds are 96.55% pure, and 89.79% are Pure Live Seeds.
When is the right time to plant?
Milkweed Seeds can be planted at almost any time. In nature the seeds are blown by the wind, and land in any random spot.
Where is the right place to plant?
Milkweed should be planted according to the planing instructions 1/8" deep in good sunny soil, and kept moist for 10-14 days after planting.
How many seeds are there in a packet?
There are 30-35 seeds in each packet
How many seeds are there in 1 ounce?
There are approximately 4,000 seeds per ounce, or 64,000 seeds per pound. I pound will cover about 1.5 acres, with the planting density of 1 seed per square foot.
What sized area can I plant?
We recommend one(1) plant per square foot. So one(1) packet, with 32 seeds will cover a 4' x 8' plot
How many types of milkweed are there?
There are over 100 species of milkweed in the US.
Do they like the shade?
Yes...but they like the sun better.
Do you have planting instructions?
Yes. For best results, milkweed seeds should be refrigerated in damp paper towels in a plastic bag prior to planting. Then they should be planted in 1/8" of good sunny soil. They should be kept moist for 10-14 days after planting. The planting instructions are also on the back of each seed packet.
Where is SaveOurMonarchs?
We are based in Minneapolis, MN.
How do I reach SaveOurMonarchs?
By mail at SaveOurMonarchs, PO Box 390135, Minneapolis, MN 55439.
By phone at 952-829-0600.
By email at [email protected]
When was SaveOurMonarchs founded?
March 3, 2014
Is SaveOurMonarchs a 501c3 charity?
It is a 501c3 charity, and therefore any contribution is tax deductible according to the IRS guidelines.
Wingspan is 3.7 to 4.1 in (94-104mm). Weight is .72 to .25 oz (7.1-21 grams).
How long does the monarch live?
The first three or four generations of monarchs have a 2-6 weeks life span and the 4 or 5th generation, called the Methuselah Generation that will migrate to Mexico will live 4-6 months.
Where do monarchs lay their eggs?
They lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves of the milkweed plant. If there is no milkweed, there can be no monarchs.
How many eggs do they lay?
It is hard to say exactly how many eggs a mother Monarch butterfly will lay but it is estimated 100-300 a day. In proper conditions she will only lay one egg per plant to ensure the offspring has a sufficient food source. However, in recent years "egg dumps" (many eggs on one plant) have been observed.
What does the monarch caterpillar eat?
Monarchs consume only the leaves of the milkweed plant. The caterpillar is a voracious eater, capable of consuming an entire milkweed leaf in less than five minutes. They gain about 2,700 times their original weight, and in the process, excrete an abundant quantity of “frass” (or waste). These butterflies use their eyes to locate flowers, they use their antennas to smell the nectar and the minute receptors lodged in their feet called “tarsi” come in handy to taste sweet substances .
What are the stages of the monarchs life?
The monarch butterflies go through prolonged stages of metamorphoses, starting with its larva or caterpillar, shedding or molting its skin an amazing five times before the pupa stage.
What is the genetics of the monarch?
Monarchs can produce four generations during one summer. The first three generations will have life spans from 2 - 6 weeks and will continue moving north. During this time they will mate and have the next generation that will continue the northward migration. The fourth generation is different and can live up to nine months. These are the butterflies that will migrate south for winter to either Mexico or southern California.
What are the threats to the monarch?
One of the many effects of climate change will be wetter and colder winters. If they are dry, monarchs can survive below freezing temperatures, but if they get wet and the temperature drops they will freeze to death. Because hundreds of millions of monarchs are located in such a small area in the Sierra Nevada of Mexico during the winter, a cold snap there could be devastating.
How fast does the monarch butterfly fly?
The wings flap slower than other butterflies at about 300 to 720 times a minute. They fly at speeds ranging between 12 to 25 miles an hour.
Can they smell?
Senses of smell and vision help the Monarch butterflies to assess its environment.
How do they communicate?
Their process of communication uses colors and scents. Chemical discharged from the rear wing glands help the males to attract its mate.
How do they survive from predators?
Monarchs have a particularly foul taste, which is poisonous to many predators.
Where does the Monarch go in the winter?
The monarch migrates as much as 3,000 miles to the State of Michoacan in Mexico.
How do I order Milkweed Seeds?
Milkweed seed is available in seed packets OR in bulk. You can order them at, and click on 'Get 'Seeds'.
What is 'bulk seed'?
Bulk seed is not packaged into seed packets, but are provided in sealed bags. Bulk seed is available from 1/2 ounce up to 10 pounds.
What is the germination rate?
In nature, the germination rate of seeds that are randomly scattered by the wind is about 1%. However if you 'cold stratify' the seeds, the germination rate should be better than 80%.
Where are the seeds grown?
The genetic origin of the milkweed is in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, in farms that are GMO-free. The seeds are 96.55% pure, and 89.79% are Pure Live Seeds.
When is the right time to plant?
Milkweed Seeds can be planted at almost any time. In nature the seeds are blown by the wind, and land in any random spot.
Where is the right place to plant?
Milkweed should be planted according to the planing instructions 1/8" deep in good sunny soil, and kept moist for 10-14 days after planting.
How many seeds are there in a packet?
There are 30-35 seeds in each packet
How many seeds are there in 1 ounce?
There are approximately 4,000 seeds per ounce, or 64,000 seeds per pound. I pound will cover about 1.5 acres, with the planting density of 1 seed per square foot.
What sized area can I plant?
We recommend one(1) plant per square foot. So one(1) packet, with 32 seeds will cover a 4' x 8' plot
How many types of milkweed are there?
There are over 100 species of milkweed in the US.
Do they like the shade?
Yes...but they like the sun better.
Do you have planting instructions?
Yes. For best results, milkweed seeds should be refrigerated in damp paper towels in a plastic bag prior to planting. Then they should be planted in 1/8" of good sunny soil. They should be kept moist for 10-14 days after planting. The planting instructions are also on the back of each seed packet.
Where is SaveOurMonarchs?
We are based in Minneapolis, MN.
How do I reach SaveOurMonarchs?
By mail at SaveOurMonarchs, PO Box 390135, Minneapolis, MN 55439.
By phone at 952-829-0600.
By email at [email protected]
When was SaveOurMonarchs founded?
March 3, 2014
Is SaveOurMonarchs a 501c3 charity?
It is a 501c3 charity, and therefore any contribution is tax deductible according to the IRS guidelines.